Who betta than Kobe? Why it's Greg "The Oyster" Ostertag!

A quick youtube search of Greg Ostertag finds a plethora of highlights and mix tapes. For instance, check out this classic display of athleticism:
Have you ever seen Kobe Bryant do ANYTHING resembling this? I thought not.
How about this one:
Sure, Kobe finishes on the (lucky) reverse two-handed jam, but did you see the FEAR in his eyes as Ostertag converged on him near the hoop? Kobe wasn't trying to score; he was trying to get rid of the ball so he could run as far away from The Oyster as possible. Smart move, Mamba, smart move.
What's that? Kobe jumped over a car? Sure, that seems impressive, until you've seen THIS:
That's right, look at Ostertag, with the beautiful backhanded flip. Notice how he lets the ball bounce twice on his side: VETERAN MOVE. You can't teach that.
The final tally:
Kobe: 12 years pro, 1 MVP, 3 Championships, Women banged: at least 2.
Ostertag: 11 years pro, 2 teams, 1 haircut, Women banged: likely 0.
Who betta? You decide.
1 comment:
I LOVE the double zero. So classy.
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